Christmas magic: ANDREEW HOLDING donates around EUR 200,000 to charities in 2020

Christmas time is family time. All across Germany, families are preparing for the holidays. But sadly, many socially disadvantaged children do not get to enjoy a nice Christmas dinner during this time. Even during the crisis, the ANDREEW HOLDING (AIG) has not given up its previous tradition and is donating to various different organisations again this year to support families and children.
In addition to the donations already made over the course of the year, AIG also decided just before Christmas to provide over EUR 100,000 again. This money is to be used, for example, by “Die Arche” in Berlin to put together “Christmas packages” for over 1,000 children so that they can also enjoy a nice holiday menu. In addition, AIG’s donation funded 400 Christmas presents and the purchase of a new VW 9-seater bus. Outstanding payments for the completion of the play area at the Berlin Hellersdorf locations were also settled and other projects were implemented.
Particularly in the challenging times for families during the coronavirus pandemic, it was very important to AIG and its employees to be aware of their own responsibility and to help. AIG particularly focuses on the well-being of children and young people from socially disadvantaged families and supports the work of initiatives for more equal opportunities. For this reason, AIG also supported the “Concordia Association for Social Projects” in Bulgaria with donations for food, clothing, teaching materials and school supplies. Digital infrastructure for educational purposes could also be implemented thanks to AIG. Concordia received grants for the necessary technical equipment and educational platforms. In this way, AIG creates innovative added value, keeping education going and helping the children develop their media skills.
With donations totalling around EUR 200,000, AIG supported “Die Arche” in Berlin, the “Concordia Association for Social Projects”, “Schutzengelwerk” and the “Kinderherz” foundation in 2020.